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Students may apply for the Ph.D. 在教育领导硕士学位或教育专家学位的管理/领导认可计划. Those who are admitted with a Specialist Degree will enter with advanced standing; that is, 最多28个学时的专业学位可以被记入博士学位. The Education Specialist course work will serve as the student's cognate. 获得硕士学位的学生将选择导师批准的同门课程. 然而,两组学生将一起通过核心课程的定义如下.


The Ph.D. 教育领导力课程旨在培养能够在21世纪的教育实践中发挥领导作用的个人. Our graduates will be prepared to play roles in public and private schools, higher education administration, 或在学院或大学水平的教育政策和实践的研究和教学.

教育领导博士课程是为工作的成年人设计的. 入学后,学生成为一个队列的一部分,也就是说,他们一起学习所有系的课程. 领导力课程几乎总是在周二和周三晚上开设. Higher Education cognate courses are offered on Tuesday evenings.

Program Features

Theory & Practice: The Ph.D. 如果你正在寻找一个将深入的理论探索与经验丰富的教授的实践和相关例子相结合的学位,那么你需要在教育领导方面.

Leadership Focus: The Ph.D. 该项目分为两个部分,一个侧重于K-12,另一个侧重于中学后的领导力. However, 总体的博士水平培训解决了影响P-16教育的领导力问题.

Individualized Research: The Ph.D. 课程允许学生在确定他们的研究重点和兴趣方面有很大的灵活性. 往届毕业生的主题从儿童早期领导力到大学项目评估不等, from issues arising from ESL implementation to school reform initiatives, 从中学生对教师关怀的态度到模范大学教师的观点.

Faculty Support: Once admitted, 每个学生都被分配了一个项目顾问,以帮助他或她在他们的项目决策. As the student moves through the program, 顾问将由研究主席和教师委员会取代,以支持和指导学生进行独立研究的过程.

Mentor Support: All students identify and work with a mentor, 领导领域的实践者,他可能担任学生所渴望的职位. 导师将提供一个分析和应用研究和理论的环境,并将帮助学生评估他/她的专业发展需求.  

Dissertations:  The PhD. 《韦德体育官方网站》自1999年创办以来,已经完成了140多篇论文.  涵盖主题从幼儿园教师效能到高等教育招聘中的种族偏见, the range of research speaks highly of the quality of our students’ work.  A list of recent dissertations is available for your information.

Ph.D. Program Coordinator: Julia B. Smith, Ed.D.
(248) 370-3082
[email protected]
475B Pawley Hall

Department Secretary: Ann Marie Lindstrom
(248) 370-3070
[email protected]
480D Pawley Hall

所有申请和入学要求的截止日期是每年的2月1日. Candidates for the Ph.D. 在教育领导将根据几个标准的分析选择:

  • Leadership experience, especially as reflected in the submitted vita; 
  • The content of three (3) references to be solicited by the student; 
  • 官方成绩单上显示的学生研究生水平的平均成绩; 
  • A goal statement
  • The score on the Department Writing Response

对于一些申请人,可能会要求与部门成员进行面试. 选拔委员会只考虑写作、口头和定量成绩.

The Ph.D. 在教育领导需要至少76个学分超过硕士学位:基础核心12个学分, 20 credits in the department core, 28 credits in the cognate, and a minimum of 16 credits for dissertation.

Year One
  • 选择ED 8430组织领导中的多样性和社会公正或ED 8450组织领导的动机和变革
  • ED 9940 Professional Seminar  2 credits


  • 选择ED 8410哲学和伦理问题4学分或ED 8460组织理论原则
  • ED 9941 Professional Seminar  2 credits

 Summer I

  • 选修ED 8420高等教育政治与教育政策或ED 8440学习理论与心理问题4学分
  • ED 9930  Mentorship I  2 credits
Year Two


  • ED 9010 Research Methodology/ Qualitative  4 credits 


  • ED 9020 Analytic Methods/ Quantitative  4 credits 

Summer I 

  • ED 9100 Research Issues and Proposal Development  4 credits
  • ED 9931 Mentorship II 2 credits

Note: In addition to the courses listed above, 学生也可以在第二年开始学习相关课程,或者等到第三年.

Cognate (28 credits)

Master's level students may choose from among several cognates including: Higher Education, Educational Leadership, Reading, Instructional Systems Technology, Counseling, and Special Education. With the consent of their advisor, 学生也可以结合多个同源的课程来满足他们的特殊兴趣领域.

Years Three and Four

Qualifying Examination: 资格考试为博士生提供了一个展示其对高级研究技能掌握程度的机会, including problem definition, review of significant literature related to the problem, and research design.  学生被允许使用他们的论文领域作为他们的资格考试的主题, but final approval of all questions comes from the committee.  在论文工作可能不会正式开始,直到学生通过了资格考试.  学生必须完成所有核心课程,才能正式申请开始考试过程.  Cognate coursework may continue during the period of examination, but should be substantially completed.  Once initiated, students have one calendar year to complete the questions.

ED 9999 Dissertation Research (16 credits): 提交高质量的研究论文是博士学位的要求.D. 获得韦德体育app官网教育与人类服务学院的学位. Students will register for 16 hours of dissertation credit. 这些学分可能会被分解成更小的模块,这取决于每个学生期望完成论文的时间. 博士论文是一篇解决智力上重大问题的原创作品, makes a valuable contribution to the field of study, and is publishable. The final year of the student's program centers on the dissertation.

Department of Organizational Leadership

Pawley Hall, Room 480B
456 Pioneer Dr.
Rochester, MI 48309-4482
(location map)
(248) 370-2730

Educational Leadership
Pawley Hall, Room 480D
(248) 370-3070
fax: (248) 370-4605

Human Resource Development
Pawley Hall, Room 475E
(248) 370-4109
fax: (248) 370-4095